Here we list the sources of funding that have supported the Brain NRG consortium since 2005. Without this support, the scientific discovery that has been realized from the collective works of our members would not have been possible.
Thank You
to all of our supporters.
James S McDonnell Foundation —
Founded in 1950 by aerospace pioneer James S. McDonnell, the Foundation was established to "improve the quality of life" and does so by contributing to the generation of new knowledge through its support of research and scholarship. The James S McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) has pursued its goals by supporting scientific, educational and charitable causes locally, nationally, and internationally. Since its inception, JSMF has awarded over $450M in grants.
The Brain NRG was first awarded it’s initial funding from JSMF in 2005, under the leadership of Dr. Randy McIntosh at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Hospital in Toronto, Canada. This tranche of funds enabled the formation of the consortium and the initial foundational research in the area of brain network dynamics to commence, Thereafter, the Brain NRG consortium received an additional award which facilitated the translation of the group’s research into a neuroinformatics platform, known as The Virtual Brain.
Brain NRG Support
2005 - 2010 | Brain Network Recovery Group (Brain NRG) Phase I
2011- 2015 | Brain Network Recovery Group (Brain NRG) Phase II
Baycrest Health Sciences is a global leader in geriatric residential living, healthcare, research, innovation and education, with a special focus on brain health and aging. Here, Dr. Randy McIntosh leads his independent research program which is dedicated to understanding how different parts of the brain work together to bring about the wide range of human mental operations. Through the generous support from Baycrest, Dr. McIntosh has been able to mobilize research undertakings in order to lead the BrainNRG towards further advancements in the field of network neuroscience.
Ontario Innovation Trust
Ontario Innovation Trust (OIT) was a government supported organization (now known as Sparkplug) whose sole purpose was to push the innovation envelope in Ontario. Support from the OIT in 2009 enabled additional resources to be added to the portfolio of work by BrainNRG.
Aix Marseille University (AMU) is an intensive research university, which has forged partnerships all over the world, has affirmed its anchoring and territorial integration and is one of the leading French universities in the Shanghai ranking. Dr Viktor Jirsa, the Director of the Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS) at AMU and member of the BrainNRG was able to acquire support funding in 2010 from AMU and additional funding through AMU’s Foundation in, Amidex, in 2013 to further the research of the BrainNRG.
ANR (the French National Research Agency) provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science -for both basic and applied research- to public research organizations and universities, as well as to private companies. In 2013, ANR awarded the BrainNRG funding through the lead of Dr Viktor Jirsa.